
Domain adaptation is critical for success in new, unseen environments. Adversarial adaptation models applied in feature spaces discover domain invariant represen- tations, but are difficult to visualize and sometimes fail to capture pixel-level and low-level domain shifts. Recent work has shown that generative adversarial networks combined with cycle-consistency constraints are surprisingly effective at mapping images between domains, even without the use of aligned image pairs. We propose a novel discriminatively-trained Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Domain Adaptation model. CyCADA adapts representations at both the pixel-level and feature-level, enforces cycle-consistency while leveraging a task loss, and does not require aligned pairs. Our model can be applied in a variety of visual recogni- tion and prediction settings. We show new state-of-the-art results across multiple adaptation tasks, including digit classification and semantic segmentation of road scenes demonstrating transfer from synthetic to real world domains.

CyCADA losses comparison:

CyCADA architecture comparison with SSGAN and Cycle-GAN